Hi, I'm Jonas!

Welcome to my cozy site. Here, you can see some information about my current projects and links to my social media. Furthermore, you can contact me via e-mail.

Minimalistic Push

This Flutter app for iOS and Android let's you track your push-up sessions. Noticeaby, the background changes based on the user's latest performance and also improves readability for the settings and the session overview. You are also able to change the theme to your liking.

You have a feature request? Simply open a new issue on GitHub with the 'Feature' tag.

You have a theme idea? Just pick the extra on my buymeacoffee page. Don't worry, it's free!


This is the organization, where Daniel and I develop free and open-source software for businesses. Currently, there is a project planned, where restaurants can generate their digital menus for their website. You can check out the projects on peekbar.de or the GitHub repository.

Important links:

Privacy Policy for my Apps and Sites:

On all my apps, you are not being tracked beyond the optional Developer Tools from Apple and Google, which you can opt in and out yourself. Your data is processed and stored locally.